I walked around Cummersdale for quite some time hoping to find something new. However, I didn't seem to find much more than some robins, black birds and the odd duck.
I walked down the river for a while when I heard a large splash so I turned to see large ripples in the water. There was nobody else around so I'm pretty sure it was some kind of animal. However, with the slight murkiness of the water and the light on the water I couldn't see what it was. I waited for a long while. Suddenly I heard the splash again and of course, it came from the opposite way I was looking. I saw the large ripples but nothing else. I felt like it was mocking me, knowing that I wanted to see whatever it was.
I decided to follow the river Caldew and venture further into the trees at the back of Cummersdale. This is my favourite part as not many people seem to go there. You can hear the river flowing, numerous birds singing and you're surrounded by trees which are beautiful shades of green. There were lots of chaffinches about and many other birds singing their songs.
Two things really annoyed me. One was the amount of dog feces as it was everywhere I went. And the second was the amount of littler. Litter could be spotted in the bushes at the other side of the river and dotted around in the river. I even found the classic shopping trolly in a river. Disappointing.
I headed out past Cummersdale to see where the river would lead me. Unfortunately it wasn't very far. I followed a public foot path for a short while and walked through some fields. I did find a small little waterfall thing which looked quite pretty. Although the land owner seemed to have fenced off the whole area and I couldn't follow the path any more.
I suppose that was for the best as it started hail stoning and I was a good hour walk away. Fortunately I had packed a jacket which sheltered me somewhat but it wasn't waterproof. It hailed/heavily rained all the way back to and through Cummersdale. I did get to see a dipper sitting on a rock for a long while.
Just as I was leaving Cummersdale I saw movement to the left of me. I looked to find a heron looking at me, taking shelter in part of the bank. He slowly stretched his wings and flew off lazily. I was so close to him, I could have reached out and touched him. He landed landed in a tree and I saw another heron fly over head. They both flew next to each other and then headed off in different directions. I feel privileged that I got to see two of them together. Apparently they didn't seem bothered about the hail and carried on as normal.
I got home drenched and of course, the sun came out (and stayed out) as soon as I stepped through the door. I am glad I went as I probably wouldn't have got to be so close to a heron or see two flying together. It's just a shame it was raining so much and so I couldn't take my camera back out.